NASM Physique and Bodybuilding Coach (Online Only)

About the Program

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The all new NASM Physique and Bodybuilding Coach specialization (NASM-PBC) will deliver your next step in fitness programming knowledge to meet the needs of bodybuilding and physique clients. The curriculum takes a comprehensive approach to physique programming, covering everything from weight training, nutrition, and supplementation techniques for physique athletes and fitness enthusiasts of all levels and experiences.

The NASM-PBC takes the guesswork out of training for physique goals. Through expert insight and detailed resources, you can help clients break through all the misinformation and noise of physique training seen on social media and the internet. You’ll tap into well-rounded programming that gives you the inspiration, insight, and methods to successfully reach your goals or coach clients toward their aesthetic aspirations.

Master the art and science of coaching physique and bodybuilding athletes. Become the expert your clients turn to for all their body transformation needs.

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